Marie Destandau


The Missing Path

The Missing Path is a visualisation tool to support data producers in identifying and analysing incompleteness in Knowledge Graphs.
It computes clusters with similar incomplete profiles on a map and lets them inspect and contextualize their statistical summaries. They gain insights on incompleteness and find strategies to identify coherent subsets to be fixed.

Path Outlines

Path Outlines is a visualisation tool to support data producers in browsing the statements that can be produced from their Knowledge Graph.
Based on coordinate views with two novel visualisations, the broken (out)lines and the path browser, it provides a path-based summary of a Knowledge Graph.


S-Paths is a visualisation tool producing path-based synthetic overviews to browse collections in Knowledge Graphs.
A matching algorithm compares the path outlines of the collection with the requirements of a set of views optimised to provide synthetic visualisations at various scales, and provides a default view to users.
Starting with an overview of a whole collection, it offers new synthetic views of the subsets as they refine their selection.


Initiated in late 2014, DOREMUS is a research project based on the semantic web technologies, aiming to develop tools and methods to describe, publish, connect and contextualize music catalogues on the web of data. Its primary objective is to provide common knowledge models and shared multilingual controlled vocabularies.